Monday, July 30, 2012

My Dog's Art

As you might know we have a dog named, Zoey who is a 40 pound part Golden Retriever and part American Eskimo. 
She is a grazer; she likes to take her time eating and often goes back to her bowl several times during the day to finish her food. For years we noticed that she would eat
in a perfect straight line, like eating rows of corn. Whenever she stopped eating, the food left in the bowl would be neatly eaten up to a perfect line, the rest of the food would be untouched. This in itself was fun, amusing and amazing. An organized dog; is that possible? 

To catch you all up to date on her progress, here is an update and a bit of a review.

This is the straight line pattern of eating that Zoey has done for nearly 12 years of her life….. This in itself is unusual for a dog.

But lately, I have been noticing that her pattern has changed. 
Sure once in a while she still likes to eat in a straight line, but suddenly I am noticing a more creative side. 
First it was abstract with a nice pattern.

Next, I noticed that her creations were getting more representational

Basic Sun Fish

THEN!!! I noticed this and how much it looked like a face! 
So, it is titled "I Love People" and she does.

WOW, to my surprise and delight I found this in her bowl!
I am sure it is a self portrait, since she is an orange dog with pointed ears like a fox. Or it is a portrait of her cat Rocky…  This was done on my Birthday…. Thanks Zoey.

I know what you are thinking…. no, I did not touch these little masterpieces and no, neither did Howard. I am having fun finding art in her bowl!
These are photographed just as she left them. I stand right by her as she is eating and when she walks away from her bowl, I quickly take it up before Mack, our other dog can gobble it up.
Mack is a great appreciator of Eatable Art. 

I must admit, Zoey is curious as to why I get so excited about her food bowl and show Howard and anyone else that is in the house at the time. 
Some artists just don't know how good they really are! 

Here are the latest works of art.  
Although my favorite is still her self portrait above, these are pretty cleaver also.

This one is complex. It is either the Lockness Monster rising out of the water, or a sail boat with an anchor. I am not sure and Zoey is not wanting to discuss it. 
She figures, if I can't see what it is, then why bother talking about it. Artists are so sensitive.

An easy shift from her straight line art to…… The Man in the Moon surrounded by little tiny stars. Art done simply is often, like a poem, the most effective.
This one is very easy and clever!  It is obviously a fish with air bubbles. This fish is probably a bottom feeder.Very good Zoey!
Several of our neighbors now have chickens….Zoey was obviously inspired by all of the chickens and so she created a chicken that is running….. probably away from her! 

Notice that she gave the chicken space to run across her bowl.
Below is a close up.

Note the excellent way that she did the face, the beak, the comb on top, the tail feathers, the eye and the cute dot that represents the colored tip of the wing. And the chicken is running! Amazing!

At first I wasn't so sure what this was, but Zoey was patient with me. Then upon close inspection I saw it! It is a flower with leaves!

Here is a close up. Notice the excellent way that she did the petals! It must be a Blackeyed Susan flower because the bud, just below the flower, is black. I think she did this just for me! 

Note:  Just in case you are all worried….I am not going crazy, nor am I in the early stages of Alzheimer's. I must blame this on my parents, they taught me to find art in everything! Zoey's art in her bowl is like looking at clouds and finding figures and animals. Join me in the fun… a child again and Enjoy! 
What's in your pet's bowl????