20x20 oil
Okay, so spring is happening all over the northern hemisphere…. Here in the northern mountains, we have a very special kind of spring and I love it. It snows huge, wet, heavy flakes ( yes we are still getting snow). The snow piles up 20 inches or more. Then it all melts off to a bright and beautiful day like today. Then the cycle starts all over again. Each time the sun comes out, the air gets a little warmer and then we, in turn, get more and more excited about the coming warm weather.
Spring is a time of rebirth. Time to let new growth happen in my life and in my paintings.
The past week in my studio I worked on a self-portrait. The painting was inspired by a tiny old black and white photo of me when I was almost three years old. I took the liberty to make some changes, adjusted some values and added our cat Rocky. Because of the high key nature of this painting, it feels full of the hope of spring.
No matter what age, we are like little children, we all have a fresh start each spring, each year, and each day. Looking back on myself, at that tender age, I realize that my nature was already developing into who I am today. If I could… What would I say to that little one from the past? “Love everyone and every moment and know that you have a wonderful life ahead full of creativity and joy, because, with the help of God, you will make it so!"