18x 14 Oil
I love to paint intimate scenes, close-ups that capture the little corners of the world.
Creating paintings everywhere I travel, gives me a special insight into each new location, be it a new country, state, city or wilderness. The very act of standing very still in one spot for several hours sliding my brushes over canvas, enables me to hear and smell and feel the environment. For that brief time span, as I paint my painting, I am merged with the locals’ world. If I am in a city or village, my ears are filled with conversations floating on the air of family and friends (often in a foreign language that my ears translate into lovely melodies) as they walk past or their voices float through an open window as they congregate in their homes.
Standing still, barely moving as I sway to the rhythm of my brush strokes, I enjoy the laughter of children on their way to school, beautiful music playing on a radio, church bells ringing out the hours, the tinkle of silverware as a table is being set for lunch, the smells of culinary delights being lovingly cooked. Not only do I take with me these freshly created paintings, but all the tickles of my senses, as well, and the memories firmly attached to each spot of color. They become “souvenirs” far greater than any treasure I could buy at the local markets of the world. Some of these paintings I will keep, but most will find themselves in someone’s home that can somehow feel, smell and hear the location that I painted.
Everywhere I go, people love to plant flowers. Those little touches of color reach out to all of us as we pass by. These paintings express a few of the flowers that have caught my eye through the years.
Red Flowers Near Her Door, Montresor, France, (Loire Valley)
12 x 9 oil
Sunny Side, - Tourettes sur loup, France
16 x 20 Oil
Even in my own little world right here in Bozeman, the corners are always so intriguing to me.
So Many Blossoms, from my own garden, Bozeman, Montana (2003)
This last painting was painted, plein air 7 years ago in June, when our peonies were in full bloom. We have had a very wet and cold spring, delaying our flowers. Our lilacs are still in bloom as are our iris’ …… next will come the peonies. They are finally just about to burst into bloom. Time to paint them for sure!
If all goes well, I will be painting peonies by 4th of July.